Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stranded to Sci Fi

SciFi channel is teaming with Virgin comics to develop a tv series based on the comic book The Stranded, about a group of five regular people from different walks of life who one day 'wake up' and realize that they are actually aliens with superhuman abilities who have been stranded here on earth for years. They come from a planet called Standfire, and a killer from another world has come looking to destroy them. While the comic series doesn't come out until a bit later this year, you can check out what seems to amount to almost the entire first issue online at this preview site. As for the tv series' development, we'll have to see how quickly things can get up and running.

It seems like a sort of generic comic in and of itself, but we don't get too many tv series like this and I applaud any efforts to bring more of a Roswell feel back to the airwaves. We'll see if it turns out any good I suppose. This is the first project to come to fruition from the Virgin comics / Sci Fi Channel partnership initiative that hopes to expand current and new properties across multiple media platforms.

More on this show as it develops.

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